Friday, April 26, 2013

Why is it so hard to remove the Belly Weight? Help

Those who are concerned about belly weight should know that researchers have found that there is a metabolic reaction that happens before the appearance of flab around the middle, if you are one of the many who are trying to lose the middle it is important to understand what is causing the excess fat . All belly weight is related to insulin resistance, 1 in 3 in the United States are insulin resistant, it is a major problem in Europe and Australia, the end result is fat around the middle that does not go away.

The battle around the middle

Researchers at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) researchers at Yale University School of Medicine has found that insulin resistance in skeletal muscle leads to alterations in energy storage that set the stage for the metabolic syndrome(diabetes, belly fat and obesity). Bad energy storage from food occurs before the appearance of flab around the waist. Those with stomach flab are one of the 100 million in the United States who are either, overweight,diabetic or pre diabetic but before the stomach flab the body starts to store energy differently in people who are insulin resistance. This is effecting children for the first time in the United states, today we have millions of children who are insulin resistant and pre diabetic. Losing belly weight involves reversing insulin resistance with an insulin resistance diet.

What the Researchers found

Insulin resistant people (80 to 100 million in the USA) store food differently. According to Gerald I. Shulman and Kitt Falk Petersen, both of the Yale University School of Medicine. What is amazing is that thin people who are insulin resistant first start storing the energy differently than healthy people, this occurs before the belly weight,diabetes or obesity appear.

"Our hypothesis was that the metabolic syndrome(diabetes,obesity,belly fat, pre diabetes) is really a problem with how we store energy from food," Shulman explained. "The idea is that insulin resistance in muscle changes the pattern of energy storage."

Losing belly weight is difficult today because we are an insulin resistant people, processed foods have poisoned or children and ourselves, we are insulin resistant. The chemicals in the processed foods such as aspartame, sucralose and high fructose corn syrup have made us insulin resistance today.

When researchers in Europe switched overweight people to an insulin resistance diet all lost the fat around the middle.

Losing Belly weight happens when people reverse insulin resistance, this worked in 17 countries SEE here Insulin Resistant Diet causes the loss of fat

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Desperate to lose belly weight? What worked

Researchers have revealed that despite various exercises and diets those desperate to lose belly weight find that the flab around the middle does not leave so easily. There is a very good scientific reason for the difficulty in removing abdominal fat, the bulge around the middle is directly related to inflammation. Today there are more than 100 million in the United States who are insulin resistance, if you are desperate to lose belly weight you must understand how the stomach flab accumulates. The precise combination of very powerful foods double the loss of abdominal fats in half the time.

What is insulin resistance?

All excessive pounds around the middle is medically called inflammatory fats, there are many thin people who have difficulty removing this, if you are overweight the amount of fats around the middle are the danger. The size your waistline is directly connected to your risk of heart disease.  It is safe to say that most people are carry excessive abdominal fats, this is not only unattractive it is simply danger. Those desperate to lose belly weight must understand Swedish researchers showed that it is the exact combination of specific foods which cause stunning loss of excessive abdominal fats. 

If you are desperate to lose belly weight it is crucial to know exactly combining the right foods shrink fatty cells and cause a slimmer waist.  

Overweight people have more  (and larger) fatty cells than people who tend to stay thin. 

The key to being thin forever is in combining very specific foods together, this is simply the fastest and healthiest way to be thin. 

Sample recipe from the Swedish Diet: Full fat diary is fantastic for weight loss, not low fat but full fat! This was proven by Harvard University but the Swedish showed that combining the fats in the yogurt with dark berries doubled the loss of abdominal fats.

When full fat yogurt was combined with dark berries the stomach fats were reduced doubly!

One of the simple Swedish recipes to make you instantly thinner

Full fat yogurt

Dark fresh Berries

Natural Honey or Raw Sugar(you can use white sugar but take it easy..No artificial sweeteners)

When this recipe is used in the full Swedish diet plan the get thin!  The full fatty compounds in the yogurt combines with the phyto-compounds in the fruit and you double the loss around the stomach.

There is no other way to get thin as by following the Swedish diet combinations, this is the best way to truly lose belly weight. The full diet plan is used on over 10 countries

Those who would like to try the full Swedish diet plan.  

SEE HERE How thousands of women lost weight for a wedding by combining foods, now used in over 10 countries

Monday, April 15, 2013

Desperate to lose weight? What's in your cup?

Those who are desperate to lose weight often turn to methods that simply do not work, in fact, many of these tricks will cause you to actually gain weight. With the incredible rise in obesity there are many who are seeking the best way to drop the pounds, if you are drinking soda it may surprise you that this beverage is far from natural. If you are desperate to lose weight you should learn what is in the can

How did soda become such a bad beverage?

Soda has a very long history and most of it good, history shows us that the beverage has been around and consumed for over 80 years without any sign of an obesity problem, but things have changed. There are many who still do not realize that the soda today is not the same soda that our grandparents grew up with. The soda in the 1950's was a very natural drink, it contained natural sugar and seltzer water( plus natural colors and flavors like lemon), this is not the case today , there is a weight gain chemical called high fructose corn syrup and it is included in every soda worldwide. High fructose corn syrup is a drug, it is an altered sweetener which causes you to gain weight. The soda makers love it because it is very addictive and you buy more. If you are desperate to lose weight you must understand what this sweetener does

Dr. According to Dr. Robert Sherwin, chief of endocrinology at Yale University School of Medicine confirmed that all sugar is not the same, HFCS causes you to gain weight by altering your brain cells, the end result is you keep eating. According to Dr. Sherwin "As a result( of consuming HFCS), the desire to eat continues -- it isn't turned off."

Check it yourself

Take a test, look at any drink on the market today and read the ingredients, you will see HFCS, it is almost impossible to find any drink without it. Sugar free drinks (Diet drinks) do not have HFSC but are worst in that they cause insulin resistance,cancer, diabetes and obesity.

This site is extremely popular with thousands of followers in only a few short weeks, the popularity is due to the fact that we showed people desperate to lose weight in 7 countries how to drop the pounds quickly with an insulin resistance diet.

All belly fat and weight gain today is because we are and insulin resistance people, we have been poisoned by food chemicals in our beef,chicken,dairy..and more

Science research shows that when you reverse Insulin resistance and the weight dropped off like a teenager.

It has worked in now over 17 countries  See here Insulin Resistant Diet causes the loss of fat

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Desperate to lose 20 pounds? What science says

With the summer approaching there are many who are desperate to lose 20 pounds, what many people have not discovered is that combining the right foods in the precise recipes causes the fastest weight loss. As the obesity crisis grows many are actively dieting but are not getting the results that they would like. We are in an obesity and diabetes crisis in much of the United States and Europe yet few people are aware that it is precise food combinations which create weight loss.  If you are desperate to lose 20 pounds the fastest and healthiest way to do this is by doing what the people of Sweden do, combining certain foods double fat loss. 

Young and thin

In the United States there are more than 25 million diabetics and over 80 who are considered clinically overweight. Some of the reasons people are not losing weight is because they are not informed about which foods actually cause fat to come off the body. Full fat dairy is fantastic for weight loss, when full fat dairy is used in the right diet you will become really thinner. If you are desperate to lose 20 pounds nothing will work faster than combining very specific foods together. 

The power of dairy fat to get thin

IN a remarkable study which was published in Sweden it was revealed that it is in fact full dairy fat which causes body-fat loss not low fat. In fact. low fat caused people to stop losing weight. Why does full fat cause a person to get thinner? dairy fats are know shown to have compounds which literally lower body fat. We have been throwing out this dairy fat to create skim milks and low fat yogurt but this has been doing more harm than good. There is nothing good about low fat foods.

How to get thinner know from the Swedish

Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, middle-aged men who consumed high-fat milk, butter and cream were significantly less likely to become obese over a period of 12 years compared with men who never or rarely ate high-fat dairy.

A recipe to be thinner now

Full fat yogurt causes great fat loss not low fat yogurt, when very dark berries were added the weight loss was doubled in half the time

3 Ingredients for stunning weight loss.

Full fat yogurt
Dark Berries
Raw sugar

If you are desperate to lose 20 pounds the key is to combine the right foods in the right recipes, this is the secret to Swedish weight loss. Over 10 countries now use these recipes to get really thin in a very short time.

See here How thousands of people lost 20 pounds in over 10 countries with Swedish recipes


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Desperate to lose weight? What really works

Researchers in Europe have identified what can help those who are desperate to lose weight, the reason for the inability of most people to drop the pounds is due to  inflammation. Inflammation causes the body to hold fat, there are million in the United States who are overweight and those who are desperate to lose weight must understand that obesity is an inflammatory illness, the foods today cause inflammation related body fat. The combination of the exact foods in the precise combinations cause fat to come right off the body fast, this is the key.

When a person is healthy insulin works well to allow glucose into your cells, this gives you a lot of natural energy. When a person is insulin resistant it means that their cells do not respond to insulin, the cells are insulin resistant, this is why so many people are not losing the weight or have diabetes. There are over 25 million of people in the United States today who are insulin resistant, there are many things which can cause this such as smoking,processed foods or food chemicals. Doctors have know for over 50 years that obesity is an inflammatory illness, if you are desperate to lose weight the answer is to use the precise combinations of foods together, when the right foods are combined it causes a double weight loss.  

The highly processed foods and the so-called healthy foods today create inflammation, insulin resistant and obesity. When researchers used a diabetic styled diet on people without diabetes the non- diabetics all lost significant fat!

Food Combinations and weight loss 

When women in Sweden were seeking how to lose weight to fit the dress for the popular television show researchers revealed that it is was food combinations which produce the fastest weight loss. When certain foods are combined it creates a synergy affect leading to double weight loss in half the time!

In just one of the recipes it was shown that blueberries which cause the body to reduce fat was stronger when combined with full fat yogurt, the combination was stronger than the single food, this is how the women lost all the weight for the wedding.  The combination of Blueberry sauce and Yogurt causes a synergy affect leading to double weight loss.

Those who are simply desperate to lose weight should simply combine the right foods together, this is causes the fastest weight loss in the shortest time, it worked for thousands. This was started in Europe and is now used in 10 countries. See the complete diet below from Sweden.